SPLAT! Resources
This web page was set up quickly to provide a central location for web links, files and other data referenced in my RF Technology Column in TV Technology magazine.
12/31/2008 - Happy New Year! I've added the files used to create
the Google Earth map shown in my January 7, 2009 TV Technology article.
The article is not availabe separately on line, but I've linked to the
digital version of the magazine. The links to early RF Technology
articles stopped working after TV Technology modified the site. The
revised links should work until they change it again. I also uploaded
updated srtm data files created with the more accurate Splat! 1.2.3
srtm2sdf converter. The Windows srtm data has NOT been updated. I will
look at updating the Windows files after getting the west coast
elevation data on-line.
If you are running Windows but want to
run the Linux version of SPLAT! without the hassle of creating a
dual-boot system, I recommend installing Sun's VirtualBox
software. It is easy to install and doesn't require repartioning your
hard drive. If you have a few GB to spare on your hard drive,
VirtualBox will create a virtual drive and allow you to install Linux
on it. I use it with the Sidux Linux distribution and a 30 GB virtual drive to run SPLAT! studies while doing other work that needs Windows.
Please excuse the simple appearance! Extensive travel and work related
to the DTV transition have limited the time I have had to create
this page. More information will be added over the next few days.
...Doug Lung
The home of SPLAT! is John A. Magliacane's (KD2DB) web page at:
web page contains the links to the SPLAT! source code, sources for
digital elevation data (USGS DEM and SRTM data), boundary files
for census designated places, county and county equivalent areas. As
well as detailed examples of program operation.
John McMellen has adapted SPLAT! for Windows:
McMellen has compiled SPLAT! for operation on the Windows operating
system. See the web site for the link to download it and information on
using it. There are some differences in operation and file names, which
I outlined in my February 6, 2008 RF Technology column.
Doug Lung's RF Technology columns on SPLAT!
DTV Transition Survival Guide
(January 7, 2009)
Running SPLAT On Windows
(February 6, 2008)
Determine Real Coverage With SPLAT! 1.2.0
(April 11, 2007)
Do-it-Yourself Longley-Rice Studies
(February 2, 2005)
Web page modified December 31, 2008